Bespoke (aka Custom) Suit Tailoring From David Reeves Popping Up At Luxe Optique This Saturday


It’s not often that haute couture or bespoke tailoring is available to Beaconites in Beacon on Main Street. But its time has come this Saturday, February 8, 2020, when bespoke suit tailor David Reeves (who himself is a Beaconite and has a studio in Union Square in NYC) will be popping up at Luxe Optique during their trunk show for Jacques Marie Mage, an eyewear designer of rare frames.

David will be on hand to show his style and fabric recommendations for men’s and women’s suits. Also, look at his fabric swatches for linings that serve as a pop of color, personality and uniqueness to complement the custom-tailored suit. See the video below to get a better idea.

Luxe Optique is in Beacon, NY, at 181-183 Main Street. David’s favorite eyewear designer is Jacques Marie Mage, who will also be having a trunk show at Luxe Optique the same day. This is an amazing opportunity to experience custom design in Beacon at your fingertips.