2nd Doses Are Trending At JCPenney Vaccination Site In Dutchess County


The Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccinations need 2 doses for maximum effectiveness. However, some Beaconites have questioned getting their 2nd dose, after getting pelted by any anti-vaxing friends in social media or text. That and, the semi-vaccinated might want to skip out on the expected symptoms. While India is begging for vaccines, and the world is pressuring the United States and the UK to release the vaccine patents so that the vaccine can be made more widely for greater accessibility, it seems silly to skip the 2nd dose of the vaccine.

How are we doing in Dutchess County? As of today 5/6/2021, 48.17% of Dutchess County has gotten at least one dose of any vaccine, according to the Dutchess County Tracker. If you’re one of those anti-vaxing people who is thinking “All you people are getting vaccinated, so I don’t need to,” then you can know that less than half of the population is not vaccinated, and that is not great for you. So check with your doctor on the best course for you, get a plan, and maybe get vaccinated!

Here is a snapshot view of people returning to the JCPenney vaccination location for their 2nd shot, as supplied to ALBB by Colleen T. Pillus, Communications Director, Dutchess County Executive Office. This is a snapshot of 2 vaccination events: one on February 11, 2021, and one on March 30, 2021.

February 11th at our JCPenney Fixed POD:
290 Moderna vaccine 1st doses were administered.
274 Moderna 2nd doses were administered at the corresponding 2nd dose clinic on March 11th.

March 30th at our JCPenney Fixed POD:
1294 Moderna vaccine 1st doses were administered.
1263 Moderna 2nd doses were administered at the corresponding 2nd dose clinic on April 27th.

That’s a pretty good 2nd dose rate. It’s not 100% as there is room to improve with increased accessibility, transportation and trust. Visit Dutchess County’s Vaccination website to book a pop-up or main location.

At each and every other event, the 2nd dose appointment is made when you are at your 1st appointment. There is no online booking and clamoring for a spot for the 2nd dose. You’re already in. Though it may involve a QR code. However, if you or your loved one has not the technology, there are volunteers on site who can make an appointment for you the old fashioned way - by typing it into a computer.