USPS Hosts An "Open House" For Beacon's Mail To Visit Newburgh Facility, But Beacon Bridge Traffic Is Too Bad To Get There - What Does This Mean For Beacon's Mail?

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has decided to pull mail operations from several Post Offices across the country, including Beacon, NY.

The Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, who was appointed by Trump, has declared that this decision is in the name of cutting costs, in his 10 year plan. You can hear DeJoy describe this plan in his own words in this forum, which shows DeJoy’s lust for package delivery, and dismissal for mail/letter delivery. Highly recommend the listen, as you may not usually hear DeJoy speak in the news. He speaks plainly here, including how he was “spooned” COVID money, which he used to build this 10 year plan to slow the mail (but not packages).

At the heart of this plan, is to pull mail carriers (the people who deliver your mail to your mailbox at your house or apartment) from their local Post Offices, and have them go to a large facility that several other municipalities (communities) will also report to now. This facility will most likely be far from the zip code where the mail is being delivered to. For Beacon, this means that all mail carriers are going to Newburgh each morning to pick up the mail, then drive to Beacon, then drive back to Newburgh to park their trucks and do it all again the next day.

When this news first hit Beacon, people feared that Beacon’s Post Office might close. They were reassured by Beacon’s City Administrator Chris White, who was reassured by a local post master, that Beacon’s Post Office would indeed not be closed because it was such a high-volume location.

However, the clerks who work the desk at Beacon’s Post Office have since taken jobs elsewhere - as enforced by the USPS - reducing the Beacon Post Office to 1.5 clerk workers. One regular clerk for Beacon was recently in a bad accident, according to the clerk’s Union president Diana Cline, so the clerks Beaconites are seeing now are new to the community.

These clerks are PTF aka “Part Time Flexible Career” staff, says Diana. “Now, Jackie is still there until Saturday, but then she gets excessed to Peekskill,” Diana told ALBB. “Beacon has been borrowing PTF’s. Not sure how many hours Saturday. I heard PTF from Germantown and Gardener will be there. Neither knows the office or PO Box customer names." If someone in their home office calls out Saturday, they would have to be there instead of home hours rule.”

When ALBB checked in at Beacon’s Post Office this week to confirm the union’s speculation, we met one new worker, who was young white man, who said he’d most likely be there indefinitely most likely after next week. The next day, a different man was working the desk, who was an older Indian man. Right before closing, two older white women who were enjoying the air conditioning of the building while holding their purse dog, were upset when the employee promptly shut the service metal window at 5pm. While the women had been talking casually for several minutes, they shouted at the older employee after he closed the window: “Can’t you look one more time?!?” When he finished closing the window, they proceeded to call him an “asshole” twice.

The women may not be familiar with union rules, whereby at 5pm, the Post Office closes. And the metal window shuts, and no one is an asshole for following their worker rules.

Tonight’s “Open House” To The Newburgh Mail Facility Was Hard To Get To - What Does That Mean For Regular Mail?

ALBB has driven to the Newburgh mail facility before: (“Over The River, Across The Bridge, Through The Woods - This Will Be The New Commute That Beacon Mail Carriers Will Drive If Proposal Happens (Already Happening Elsewhere)"). We wanted to see what the drive was like for the local mail carriers. In their rickety mail trucks that go about 40mph across the bridge, because they haven’t been given new trucks or vans. No union president or employee has been able to confirm to ALBB if newer trucks are being provided. DeJoy was awarded eco trucks from his COVID money, but it’s not clear if that includes any mail trucks in Beacon, NY.

Starting next week, the Beacon mail carriers will drive to Newburgh indefinitely. As for the PO Box mail, Diana warned: “The PO Box mail won’t get there until the window is already open, so clerks have to wait on customers and put mail away at the same time.”

It’s Not The Post Office Employees Fault - It’s Federal - It’s Louis DeJoy’s Design

The most important thing to keep in mind during these Post Office changes is that it is not the employees fault for things to be hard. The employees are being shipped to different locations and are bound by tight union rules. If one thinks that the mail is slow, there is a reason. By design, the mail is slow. One should not take it out on the employee. Take it up with Louis DeJoy who is designing this atmosphere to kill the mail, and compete against “frenemies” like Amazon (his words) for package delivery (listen to him say “frenemies” it in that forum).

Zero letter/package carriers will report from the Beacon building. Only 1.5 clerks will be working there, and they may be rotating and different. No business would make this decision for a thriving retail business on Main Street. Unless they were trying to torture and kill their business in a slow death.

The truck parking lot behind the Beacon Post Office will hold….we aren’t sure. Since all of the little rickety mail trucks will be going back and forth over the Newburgh/Beacon Bridge at least twice per day.

PS: Tonight - the power went out in Newburgh because of the severe thunderstorm watch that was also noted in the traffic app. Not only was there an accident on the Newburgh/Beacon Bridge, there was a thunderstorm on the other end in Newburgh.

Before you complain to your Beacon mail carrier about anything you are unsatisfied with about the mail, consider instead taking it up with federal carrier unions, Loius DeJoy, and Joe Biden for allowing DeJoy to still hold the Post Master General position.

Yes, this was a bias article. Sorry not sorry. Will get back to neutral fact reporting in the next one. But for now, this Post Office mail issue is so difficult to report on, namely because it is so absurd, that we have to state issues the way they are stated.

Pictured below are ALBB flashbacks of traffic in Beacon before even getting to the bridge for tonight’s 6pm “Open House.” ALBB didn’t go, and instead, wrote this article. Hopefully pictures of the rare opportunity to go into the Newburgh mail facility will be sent in.