Renovations Complete At Veterans Memorial Building - ADA Compliant Now - And What Means For Accessibility For Veterans

The renovations are complete at the Veterans Memorial Building, the Commander of the VFW Post 666 Harold Delamater told the Beacon Free Press for this week’s print edition. Construction started in February 2023, in what was an planned project for the Veterans, but the public grew concerned and protective of the building when they saw fencing go up. Throughout the year, different upgrades have been made.

The building serves as a meeting location for many Veterans meetings and gatherings, as well as other events for the public, including FEMA needs when they happen. The Guardian Revival is also based there now, which is a non-profit with a mission to revive and preserve the mental health and well-being of veterans and first responders at no cost to them. “Our guardians” hence the name.

The Chief of Staff of the Guardian Revival, Deneen Kirsten, said this about the change the renovations have given veterans: “They [veterans[ want to come in and hang out and they realize it’s a safe place. They then ask for help.’ Deneen told the newspaper that with the various programs the organizations are offering, some of the stigma is being relieved.

Tony Pulliam, a US Veteran who is the Comander of the Marin Corps League chapter in Beacon, told the Beacon Free Press that where they did not have a handicap ramp before, they have it now, by raising the front porch. They also planted new landscaping in front of the building and landscaping. People may miss the pink flowering trees in the spring, but there must have been a reason to remove them.

The building is used 7 days a week, with over 200 volunteers, staff and membership accessing it. There is a new kitchen on the lower floor, which was provided by grants. The labor to install was all-volunteer, with the exception of the tile work, Pulliam told the Beacon Free Press.

“Years ago, no one even know what the building was,” Delamater told the newspaper. But now, the words VETERANS MEMORIAL BUILDING are inscribed at the top on the outside of the building.

Nearly $500,000 in improvements have been made to the building, which the veterans have organized, the Beacon Free Press Reports. The Department of Beterans SErvices has awarded $60,000 for additional renovations. Some financing has come from the City of Beacon in years past under the City Administrator Anthony Ruggiero, but the veterans rely on fundraising to get their work and repairs done.

Regarding Veterans Day, Herold told the Beacon Free Press: “It is a time for reflection across all branches. It is a time to support one another. We’re all one. We have to look out for one another. If someone is out there who needs something, we’re here. We don’t turn anybody away.”

The Veterans Memorial Building Team will be hosting a commemorative veterans event on November 30 from 6-8pm at the Veterans Memorial Building.

UPDATE: Flag Pole To Remain - No Need To Repair At Veterans Memorial Building

Update 3/7/2023: After this article was published and in a response to a question from ALBB, Harold G. Delamater confirmed that the flag pole does not need repaired or removed, after further inspection.

Construction has begun on the Veteran’s Memorial Building at 413 Main Street. The Veterans announced last week via Harold G. Delamater of the Veterans Memorial Building Committee that the building was undergoing planned renovation to the front porch and landscaping on the grounds.

Now that digging has begun, Harold made another announcement to the media: “The large flag pole in front of Veterans Memorial Building will be taken down this week to repair or replace the base, which appears to be cracked. Upon repair, the pole will be reinstalled.”

Everyone Is Concerned About the Fencing At The Memorial Building - The Veterans Commenced Upon Repairs

When the fencing went up at the Veteran’s Memorial Building at 413 Main Street, people had questions. Were they getting a new fence? Was something big happening that would impact access to the Memorial Building and the events the Veterans host there?

Harold G. Delamater of the Veterans Memorial Building Committee was quick to send an email out to the media providing answers. He stated: “Folks have been questioning the recently installed construction fencing in front of the Veterans Memorial Bldg. The Veterans Memorial Building is currently under-going renovations to the front porch and landscaping to the grounds. The bricks from the Carmen Ramputi Detachment Marine Corps League monument will be stored for later placement in front of the Veterans Memorial Building. The project is expected to be completed in late Spring 2023.”

In a followup question from A Little Beacon Blog regarding who was financing this project, Harold answered that the project is being financed by a small grant they anticipate receiving from Senator Skoufis's office. There has been no financial assistance from the City of Beacon. Years ago, the Veterans appealed to the City under Randy Casale’s administration to receive funding for improvements to their building. At that time, some financing was released under then City Administrator Anthony Ruggiero.

Herold said that at this time, the City of Beacon has been supportive of the project, but not financially.

The Veterans will be starting a donation campaign to supplement the grant. They will be releasing more information via press release in the following week.