MLK Jr. Student Essay Winners Announced From Southern Dutchess Coalition and the Beacon Sloop Club For 2022

Excerpts of the winning MLK Jr. essays were published in the Highlands Current.

Six essays submitted by students celebrating the life and mission of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were announced for 2022. The essay contest was part of the annual programming from the Southern Dutchess Coalition and the Beacon Sloop Club, which includes a march in Beacon followed by a program, during which the essays are recognized. A prize of $50 is awarded to each winner by the essay sponsor, Rhinebeck Bank. The winning essays are selected by a committee of the Sloop Club members.

The march did not happen this year due to the pandemic, but the essays were recognized in published excerpts by the Highlands Current. The students needed to answer: “Are we keeping the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jur.’s dream alive?”

The students whose essays were selected were:

Nicholas Ferris Jr., Grade 2, JV Forrestal Elementary
Landon Soltish, Grade 5, Glenham Elementary
Andrew Caporale, Grade 5, Glenham Elementary
Manasvi Gupta, Grade 5, Glenham Elementary
Zaire West, Grade 5, Glenham Elementary
Weston Hetrick, Grade 5, Glenham Elementary

Read excerpts of their essays here.