Mass Layoff at Planned Parenthood Federation of America Sparks Upset Amid Restructuring

PPFA’s “National Office Transformation” pushes out some of the movement’s most valued staff and brightest minds

Over one hundred staff at Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) have been given layoff notices as part of a broader restructuring of the national organization. This has raised major concerns among staff about PPFA’s direction and management as the movement for reproductive freedom faces enormous challenges.

Thirty-seven of the impacted workers are members of 1199SEIU. Members of SEIU Local 500 in DC are also affected, alongside dozens of non-union staff. The layoffs are set to take effect on July 7. A range of jobs are facing cuts, including communicators, researchers, data scientists, and staff focused on equity issues.

In late May, PPFA announced a restructuring it dubbed “Project North,” described as equity and transparency “but lacking rationale for mass layoffs,” according to the union’s press release. PPFA says that the restructuring is “not being driven by resource constraints,” making the job losses even more questionable.

“At a time when abortion rights are being curtailed across the country and Planned Parenthood’s advocacy and community-based healthcare services are more important than ever, PPFA should not be letting go staff members whose contributions have been crucial to the movement,” said Veronica Turner, Senior Executive Vice President at 1199SEIU.  “These are leaders and activists and who are facing their own financial and health challenges, and we condemn PPFA’s lack of collaboration with its employees and their unions in navigating a major restructuring. We call on PPFA to urgently reassess these damaging layoffs.” 

*One year ago, on June 24, 2022, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark piece of legislation that made access to an abortion a federal right in the United States. The decision dismantled 50 years of legal protection and paved the way for individual states to curtail or outright ban abortion rights.