Kids/Teens Ideas Needed: What To Do Wednesday For Remote Day


A reader wrote in: “Do you have ideas for what to do with school-age children on Remote Wednesdays?”

A very good question, and one we do not have an immediate answer for! So - reaching out to you the community, on if you have tips on what to do, or if you run a business or organization who is offering something. Events need to be socially safe of course.

Visiting Beacon’s Public Playground Parks & Recreational

  • South Avenue/Lupers Park, 23 West Center Street: This playground behind the Beacon Recreation building is fun for all ages, and has equipment for taller kids as well. The basketball court is down below, as are tennis courts. In warmer weather, there is a volleyball net, but ALBB is unsure at this moment on when that goes up.
    Snacks: Sal’s Pizza is nearby, as is a convenient store for snacks and drinks.
    Bathroom: There might be a porta-potty there.
    Parking: There is parking by the basketball court, or in the parking lot of the Beacon Recreation building.

  • Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park: There are 2 playgrounds down here, which are good for little kids. Basketball courts are also down in this park, but are in bad shape. Still usable tho!
    Snacks: Bring your own.
    Bathroom: There is a porta-potty there.
    Parking: There is parking by the basketball court.

  • Memorial Park: This park has 2 playground areas, and is great for the littlest ones. Surrounding it are fields for kicking soccer balls or flying kites. Nearby is the home-built Skate Park, for skateboarding on the planks, and a baskeball court. There is a shaded pavilion for picnic table eating.
    Snacks: Ron’s ice cream is across the street. Talk about perfect.
    Bathroom: There are 2 bathrooms (one by the playground, and one by the baseball fields), but neither are open. Yet. Plans are in the works for May to open them. There are porta-potties instead.
    Parking: There is parking by playground or baseball fields.

  • Green Street Park, 25 Green Street: Located near Mount Beacon, this park has been renovated to include a tall, rocket-ship like structure that is good for middle-school and elementary school kids. There is a basketball court, and swings. Green grass is available for sitting or playing.

Remembering To Go To Already Scheduled Programming At The School

Wednesdays are tricky, because the kids are at home, and need to follow their school schedule. If parents and caregivers are also working and needing to show up for their own meetings, then it can become difficult for everyone to remember where they need to be.

Jobs At Home - Pay To Play!

Now might be a good time to start paying the kids to clean your home, wash your car, sweep the shed, etc.

Watch Out For Kids On Bikes and On Foot

The afternoon hours between 2-4pm were always filled with kids in Beacon. Now, however, even more with Remote Learning in place. Not all kids are back in school full time, leaving a fair amount of school-age kids at home, and connecting with each other on foot or on bikes. Busy streets like Verplank, or Wolcott Avenue, may see more kids crossing as they visit each other in different neighborhoods.

If you have ideas on things to do, please list them here in the Comments!