Beacon Cancels or Postpones Easter At Memorial Park, Beacon Barks Parade, Easter Sunrise Service, and Good Friday Procession

Published Date: Saturday, March 14, 2020

In keeping with State and County directives to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the City of Beacon is canceling or postponing public-supported events involving large attendance scheduled between now and the end of April. That includes Easter at Memorial Park, Beacon Barks Parade, Easter Sunrise Service, and Good Friday Procession.

What To Do Instead

Easter at Memorial Park: Let’s be real here. This is really just a big candy fest, and a highly stressful event for parents with young kids who like to run off. So, there is a chance that parents are breathing a sigh of relief with this cancellation.

Beacon Barks Parade: We will check in with Libby and Nanci, who are (were) taking back their bigger role as parade organizers this year. They had stepped away after selling their shop, Beacon Barkery, to Donald and his son John. Donald has been recovering from an illness, and John just launched the shop’s brand new website, where you can order online! You may even get delivery of pet food from John at the Beacon Barkery, if you call the store to see if he’s available to do so. Back to the parade: We’ll circle back with an update, and ways to support adopting cats and dogs.

Religious Services: If any of your religious services are canceled during this Holy Week time, there may be creative ways of connecting. Consider going outside during the peaceful dawn hours, and perhaps your religious group has recorded a video of a service and uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo, and you can play/watch/listen to it while you take some time to honor the moment. †