Winner of the "Where Is This?" Contest! Mural on N. Chestnut Street Wall


The Rene Magritte inspired mural, "Son of Man" on
North Chestnut, the wall of The Dance Bag and
Dennings Point Distillery.
We have a winner! Just one day after releasing this picture contest, Michelle Rivas correctly identified the mystery photo and wins the jar of hot fudge sauce from Utensil! The mystery photo was of the edge of a silver fish's red lip, which was painted along the bottom of the mural. The mural is a Rene Magritte inspired surrealist painting based on the "The Son of Man" painting from 1946. The mural is located the on North Chestnut wall that is shared by The Dance Bag and Dennings Point Distillery. Someone else was inspired by the painting, inspired enough to recreate the green apple themselves in mid-air, which you can see here.

To see the original mystery photo, click here.

Until the next contest, test your knowledge on past pictures!