Story Series Sponsor


Story Series Sponsor

from $285.00

Support one of our article series with your ad. We research these stories, write them, take photography, and publish them in our blog, newsletter, and social media channels. Your support helps us make this happen! You are helping writers get great assignments - and get paid for them.

Each sponsorship you buy is for 1 article. If you’d like to buy placement in more than one article, simply adjust the Quantity in your cart. If you’d like to know the lineup first of who or what we are featuring per series, you can email If you are an individual who wants to support this, you can do this, and we can list your name instead of an ad.

Article Series Going On Now:
”Read Local” a series featuring Beaconites who have been published by a publisher.
”Women Who Have Bought Or Built Buildings In Beacon”
Before you purchase, you will be able to indicate which series you want, and how many.

PACKAGE 1: $285
+ Logo/Ad Placed In Article

PACKAGE 2: $550
+ Logo/Ad Placed In Article
+ Logo/Ad Placed In Newsletter
+ Your business or person mentioned in our social media channels.

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