“When Does That Special Meetup Happen Again?” ALBB’s Repeating Event’s Guide Captures Every 2nd Whatever Day Type Events

Ever wonder when that special event happens during the month, that always happens on the 3rd Wednesday, or the 2nd Sunday, or the last Tuesday? We know. It's hard to remember! So we capture them in the Repeating Event Guide. Today is Sunday, and we thought: "When is the Get Lit Beacon meeting night, again? Which Sunday is it?" The answer is at their website, but is also at A Little Beacon Blog's Repeating Events Guide: https://www.alittlebeaconblog.com/weekly-events

PS: If you see your event group listed here, and the information needs updating or correcting, please submit to editorial@alittlebeaconblog.com. Or, if you have a repeating event that is not listed here, please also submit it. If you host Kids or Adult Classes,  these fit in ALBB's Kids or Adult Classes Guides. So please do submit there!

PPS: This Guide is open for sponsorship! If you love this type of Guide, and want to align your business with it, or want to back it as an individual, you can! Reach out to us.