Beacon's Howland Public Library Opens To (Limited) Public Visits Inside

Beacon’s Howland Public Library is opening for limited in-person checkout, limited computer time, and limited Childrens Room browsing. They are pretty excited about it, and have made changes inside of the library, including no public tables at this time.

The letter from the library’s director, Kristen Salierno, has all of the details is below:

Dear Patrons,

I am once again thrilled to announce that the Howland Public Library has moved to its next Service Tier. Starting Thursday, August 6th, the library's doors will finally be open again. Patrons will be able to enter the building in a limited capacity and collect materials for themselves or use the public computers without an appointment. We are so looking forward to seeing you all in person again. Here is what you need to know about Service Tier "D":

Masks are required to enter the library building and must be worn properly (mouth and nose covered) at all times while in the building. Anyone not complying will be asked to leave.

Contactless Pickup Ends
We are unable to continue contactless pickup while our doors are open. Please be assured that we have all the safety precautions in place for when you enter the building.

Senior Hours Begin
We are setting aside Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30am for seniors and those who are high risk community members. Please allow our seniors this time to be able to gather their materials and pickups.

Capacity Limits
The library will be operating at half capacity so you may be asked to wait outside if we reach the maximum. There will also be a SIX person limit to the Children's Room. Please keep your visit brief to allow for more families to be able to access the space.

Computer Use
Public computers will be available on a first come first serve basis and will have a strict two hour limit. A single laptop station is available for those who want to bring their laptop. That station is by appointment ONLY and also has a two hour limit.

Public Tables
There are no public tables or seating available at this time.

What stays the same?

We will continue to have limited hours of operation:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30am-4:30pm
Tuesday, Thursday 9:30am-6:30pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Patrons should also continue to put ALL returns into the outside book drop, and not bring any items into the building. The bookdrop will be locked when the library is closed.

The library may look a little different but the staff is here to help you in any way we safely can. Please be sure to follow all the designated signs for safety while you are in the building to keep everyone safe! For more information about our Service Tier Plan click here.

We look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Kristen Salierno, Director