Need a Nap? Squishable Plush Pillows in Dream in Plastic

Squishable Plush Pillows Dream in Plastic
Pug Squishable Plush Pillows Dream in Plastic
One Friday evening, the kids and I were strolling down Main Street looking for a little treat present after a great week. We were in Dream in Plastic and I was looking at paper stationery that struck my fancy. I turned around to see my two little ones snuggling with these Squishable pillows! Yum! I've never quite found the perfect "nap pillow" for daycare and school, and these are probably too big, but they certainly are contenders for nap pillows at home, being that naps at home are pretty hard to make happen and how can one not doze off when snuggling with this Squishable Pug on the couch or rug??