Local Business Women's Seminar & Networking Session

Book your babysitters again ladies (or you baby Daddy's)! There is a local business networking event happening at the Cup & Saucer Tea Room tonight from 6-8pm. Sorry about the short notice, but I forgot about it (eeps), and a mom who is in the dance profession asked me if I was going during a playgroup on Tuesday, so I thought I'd better hop to it!

I've been out of the networking scene since the birth of my little Ruby Ray, and I miss most events that our entrepreneurial members at Collective-E host in Manhattan, CT, LA, etc, so this is most welcome.

Topics covered include easy access loans for start-ups and established small businesses, strategies for increasing your market share, and how to gain financial control over your business. The hosts are Chantelle Carver, a Management Consultant and Business Coach, and Kim Jacobs, of Community Capital Resources.