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Applications Open For Dia Teens Art Program - Free For All Participants

High school students are able to enroll in this summer’s Dia Teens Art Program (online application is here), a free program for all participants that includes lunches, snacks, materials, and in-program transportation. Dia Teens is a program that offers young people the space, freedom, and support to make their ideas real. The deadline for applying is Sunday, May 26, 2019.

Teens collaborate with others, including an appointed artist-in-residence “artist ally,” to work on original, self-directed projects. In addition to art-making, teens learn and practice skills related to critical thinking and self-expression. They will identify, question and challenge ideas related to contemporary art.

“Some make art, some channel their creativity in other ways,” according to the online application at Dia Beacon. Fifteen high school students from across the Hudson Valley will be selected. Visiting artists facilitate workshops, participate in discussions, host teens in their studio and gallery spaces, lead critiques, and invite teens to participate in their own projects. Past guest artists include Joëlle Tuerlinckx, Mary Mattingly, and Sal Randolph, as well as teens from the Studio Museum in Harlem, New Museum, and Park Avenue Armory.

The Dia Teens art program lasts all year, with a Summer Intensive from July 8 to August 8, 2019, and picks up again in October 2019 for the entire school year.

Dia Teens is at based at Dia:Beacon, 3 Beekman St., Beacon, New York, 12508. The museum and parking lot overlook the Hudson River. If you haven’t been down there yet, do go. The scenery is incredible.

To apply to Dia Teens: Visit this link. Students must be enrolled in high school.

Deadline: Sunday, May 26, 2019.