A Little Beacon Blog

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Why I Love My Nissan Quest's Tailgate

Trunk of my Nissan Quest
So many reasons why I love my Nissan Quest. I'll start with this one area: the tailgate. This picture sums up the flexibility I have with this minivan, and why boxiness is good. The picture isn't sexy, but sums up a typical day on our road trip to visit family. I can haul around our big jogging stroller (the Baby Trend is my favorite), with plenty of extra diapers, a baby-baby toy stroller, an umbrella stroller (the Lamaze is my favorite) , and a computer bag stored underneath the jogger. Meanwhile, I can comfortably change my baby in the space on the left, and hang his clean but summer-pool dampened onsie to dry on a little hook on the back of the seat. I can then sit in that same spot, on top of the lovely storage, and read a shapes book to my baby while my toddler sleeps on her car seat in the next row.